Mastopexy or “breast uplift” aims to reshape the breasts and reposition the nipple to create a fuller, more youthful appearance. A mastopexy can also help improve breast asymmetry if there are differences in the breast size, shape or nipple position.

Breast Uplift only: this lady in her 20’s lost a few stone in weight. She disliked the flat, ‘droopy’ look of the breasts and large areolas. An anchor shaped breast uplift gave better shaped, lifted breasts while keeping her original ‘C’ cup size.

Breast Uplift with implants: this lady in her 30’s after having children and breastfeeding, had lost breast volume and cleavage. A breast uplift with a small implant (200cc round implants) restored breast size to a ‘C’ cup, and gave a feminine shape with more cleavage.

Breast Uplift only: this lady in her 20’s was affected by the ‘droopy’ elongated look of the breasts and large areolas. An anchor shaped breast uplift with a small reduction gave more youthful, lifted breasts and reduced her from a ‘DD’ to ‘C’ cup size to fit her petite frame.

Breast Uplift with implants: this young girl who lost 5 stone in weight, reduced from a DD to a B cup. Her breasts she felt had, lost their shape, cleavage and femininity. A breast uplift with 300cc round implants restored breast size to a ‘D’ cup, gave a feminine shape and improved self-esteem.

Breast Uplift only: this lady in her 20’s disliked her large areolas and breast asymmetry and the ‘droopy’ look of the breasts after losing a few stone in weight. An anchor shaped breast uplift with a reduction of the large right breast helped achieve symmetry, reduced areola size and improved breast shape.

Breast Uplift only: this lady after losing a stone, lost some breast volume with reduced size, altered shape and large areolas. The procedure improved breast shape, lifted the nipple position, and reduced the areola size.

Breast Uplift only: this young lady in her 20’s disliked her large areolas and the ‘droopy’look of her breasts. An anchor shaped breast uplift gave a fuller, more youthful appearance and reduced the areola size.

This patient after ill health and weight loss, was unhappy with the deflated appearance and loss of volume of her breasts. A periareolar mastopexy and augmentation (with 215cc implants) restored her volume and improved the shape of her breasts with minimal scarring.

Unhappy with the droopy and flat shape of her breasts after breast feeding, this patient underwent a ‘Wise pattern’ mastopexy without any implants. A ‘Wisepattern’ mastopexy results in anchor shaped scars. Her own breast tissue was reshaped and the excess skin was removed to give a more youthful appearance to her breasts.

Breast uplift with small reduction right breast: This 44-year-old was unhappy with her asymmetric ‘droopy’ shaped breasts. She was self-conscious and unable to wear the clothes or swimwear that wanted. A breast uplift with a small reduction to match the smaller left breast was performed leaving anchor shaped scars. Her result at 4 months showed natural, symmetrical ‘C’ cup breasts which she loved.

This patient felt her breasts were too small for her frame and was unhappy with the ‘droopy’ shape. A ‘Wise pattern’ mastopexy with implants (240cc) resulted in fuller and more uplifted breasts. A ‘Wise pattern’ mastopexy gives anchor shaped scars.

This lady in her 50’s underwent removal of both of her ruptured breast implants and underwent a periareolar mastopexy (breast uplift) and insertion of new silicone breast implants giving a very natural result.

This patient in her 20’s was unhappy with the droopy shape of her breasts. She also found it difficult to exercise with her heavy breasts. A breast reduction with removal of 400g from each breast was performed. She was delighted with her smaller, lighter, more uplifted and youthful breasts. The post op result is shown at 1 year after surgery.

A 35-year-old lady with flat, droopy breasts and significant breast asymmetry. She underwent an uplift of the left breast and a small reduction and uplift of the right breast to match the left side. The result at 3 months shows more symmetrical, youthful and uplift breasts.

This 56-year-old-lady had lost 13 stone over a 2-year period and was left with flat and droopy breasts that had no shape. It affected her self-confidence. She had a breast uplift with anchor shaped scarring – the excess skin was removed and her breast tissue reshaped to give voluminous, uplifted and natural breasts.

This patient was unhappy with the loss of volume and droopy appearance of her breasts she noticed after finishing breastfeeding her children. A vertical scar augmentation mastopexy with implants (390cc) provided fuller, more uplifted breasts.